Surf clothing - 3 new awesome Six Foot and Pumpkin tees added!

Surf clothing and the Six Foot and Pumpkin brand is a side project for James Jagger. The Pumpkin brand itself has been in existence for a number of years. Recently, however, it’s been overhauled and rejuvenated.

3 pieces of new surf clothing added with a Pumpkin flavour!

There’s been some hard work going on in the background. A big chunk of that work has been to do with updating Six Foot and Pumpkin surf clothing designs. Making them more modern and refining their aesthetics.

Our friends at North Coast Wetsuits - the authentic Cornish surf shop Six Foot and Pumpkin apparel is being sold through have been beavering away, adding new tee designs (see above image links) to their online shop. The refreshed range was launched a few weeks ago. With the plan to add more designs moving forward. And we’re happy to say three new awesome tees are now live and ready to buy.

Six Foot and Pumpkin design notes from James Jagger.

‘Surf clothing, fashion and apparel have always been part of wave riding culture. The same can be said for any action sport. These garments give identity to the tribe riders belong to which as a rider myself (of various watercraft - windsurfing, SUP, surf and foil) I’m keen to be part of.’

‘The Six Foot and Pumpkin brand came about by accident. But I ran with it and had a good first chapter. Due to other life/work responsibilities requiring my attention the Pumpkin surf clothing brand was put on hiatus. But earlier in 2024 I decided it needed to be relaunched with fresh aesthetics. And I’m happy to say this is now the case. If you’re after a quirky surf brand, with a humorous take on surf culture, but still with salty credentials intact, then check out Six Foot and Pumpkin gear.’

Stay tuned for more coming from the Six Foot and Pumpkin brand. Get your Pumpkin tees here.

Find out more about the Six Foot and Pumpkin re-launch by clicking the image link below.