Photojournalism - 5 proven ways James Jagger nails the shot.
Photojournalism and documentary photography are staple parts of James Jagger’s daily routine with a camera. Ever the intrepid photographer, on the hunt for a newsworthy snap, he’s often awake at dawn’s crack and roving his local Surrey patch for ‘that’ image.
Alamy Live News Team photojournalism.
For those not aware, James is part of the Alamy Live News photojournalism team. Alamy is a stock photography agency who work with professional photographers like James to pool photographic content which the media can purchase to illustrate their many articles.
A classic piece of photojournalism that earned James a number of appearances in the national press.
James’ photos, via Alamy, have appeared in numerous national newspapers, and on news websites and in magazines. Being based in Surrey he’s on hand to cover a large area of the south. So when things such as weather events take place or, as is more recently the case, Aurora Borealis making an appearance he’s there with his camera, ready and poised to shoot.
Documenting the action.
Being able to spot a shot which will make newsworthy fodder is a skill in itself. James has this ingrained and can accurately tell when something looks worth shooting. Once the action’s been documented it’s then a case of uploading to the Alamy website.
In the moment and on the scene.
Newspapers and news outlets have similar ideas to those of photojournalists. Which is why when live there’s a high percentage chance someone in the media will purchase a shot that compliments the article they’re about to publish. James’s pics are regularly snapped up.
How photojournalism straddles other professional photo environments.
If you’ve had a nose around the James Jagger Photography website you’ll have noticed he works around other niches such as wedding photography and sports event photography. These all complement one another perfectly with transferable skills aplenty.
James is a popular choice of wedding photographer for good reason.
Photojournalism entails being in the right place at the right time and anticipating the shot. Watching people’s body language and having prior experience means James’ results are right on target.
Approachable, adaptable, friendly and professional.
Photojournalism and professional photography in general isn’t just about being a great photographer with the right equipment. You have to have exemplary interpersonal skills as well. Being able to deal with people from all walks of life is key.
On the hunt...
This includes your fellow professionals as well as clients and those who you’ll come across when out in the field. Sometimes a documentary photographer may need to engage with an individual to ensure they get the shot. Which means all of the above are highly important traits.
Being a pictorial newshound.
Ultimately, a successful photojournalist will be a newshound. As much of a newshound as any other journalist. What makes a newsworthy story, even in photograph form, is something which will set anyone looking to get into the same field apart.
Being a newshound is key to photojournalism.
James has worked hard to get in the position he has with Alamy and gain the reputation he’s got. A hard work ethic and the want to succeed is also essential. Which James has in spades when it comes to all areas of professional photography.